Revitalize your body and mind: discover the power of massage therapy.

Together we create a treatment plan to maintain and manage your wellness goals and self care.


You Deserve to be Free From Discomfort

Benefits of working with Lymph In Motion Therapeutic Massage

Personalized care

Based on your specific needs and goals.


Understanding your body and what you need.

Confidence to live a more active life

We give you the tools to be your best.

Meet Your Massage Therapist

Colleen Hurst is an Alberta Trained Registered Massage Therapist that graduated from the Canadian Accredited, Vicars School of Massage Therapy. She has received her certification for Complete Decongestive Therapy with Academy of Lymphatic Studies using the Vodder method.  She looks forward to working with you so you can feel your best.

Some of her specilizations include:

  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Complete Decongestive Therapy
  • Advanced Manual Lymph Drainage
  • Oncology Massage
  • Prenatal Massage
  • Relaxation Massage
  • CranioSacral Massage CS1
  • Usui Reiki 2 
  • Reflexology (Coming Soon)

What Makes Us Different

I am a lymph specialist in Alberta.

Not only are we a Therapeutic Massage Clinic but we also offer Complete Decongestive Therapy for people with Lymphedema.  In Alberta the demand for lymphedema care is much higher than the available access to care.  Colleen creates a comprehensive assessment, and treatment plan to meet your short term and long term goals so that you can feel great and get moving comfortably.

Click below to learn more about lymph and the specilized treatments we offer.


What We Offer

Together we can assess, treat, and develop a treatment plan that will serve your needs as outlined by you.  

I am here to provide knowledge, information, treatment and resources so that you are able to decide what is the best way to manage your lymphedema diagnosis. It is my pleasure to work with you, your family and health care professionals so we are working together for you. I have worked with multidisciplinary teams for many years and I am honoured and delighted to be a part of your journey to wellness.


We are proud supporters of the Alberta Lymphedema Association

The Alberta Lymphedema Association is a non profit organization that strives to help those affected by lymphedema.  Working from a patient point of view, together they strive to support, empower and advocate for those impacted by this disease in order to promote optimal health. We invite you to learn more about them by clicking the link below.


We take you from living with discomfort to living your best life.

This is our simple process.
Book An Appointment

Book An Appointment

Schedule an evaluation with someone from our team today.
Get Custom Treatment

Get Custom Treatment

Work with us as we develop a custom treatment plan tailored to you.
Start Seeing Improvement

Start Seeing Improvement

Gain confidence in your every day life and feel great.

Take the next step towards feeling great.

Schedule an appointment with our team today.